
Start status report

The start status of the runners can be transferred from the app to an event admin system for further processing. The report is encoded in the YAML data language.

Report format/example

# Start status report
# Report meta data
#   Version:             YAML document version.
#   Creator:             App name (with quotes).
#   Created:             Report creation timestamp (ISO 8601 date and time).
#   Event:               IOF xml event name (with quotes), or, null (eg, if CSV import).
# Runner's data
#   Runner.Id:           IOF xml person id (with quotes), or, null (eg, if CSV import).
#   Runner.Bib:          Bib number (with quotes), or, null.
#   Runner.Name:         Name of runner (with quotes).
#   Runner.Org:          Organisation that the runner represents (with quotes).
#   Runner.Card:         Card number, or, null (eg, mechanical punching, runner without card).
#   Runner.StartTime:    Start time, one of: ISO 8601 date and time, or,
#                        time only (if no date, eg CSV import), or, null (eg, free start time).
#   Runner.ClassName:    Class in which the runner participates (with quotes).
# Status of runner
#   Runner.StartStatus:  "Started OK", "DNS", or, "Late start" (without quotes).
#   Runner.NewCard:      New/changed card number (skipped if null/empty).
#   Runner.Comment:      Free text (with quotes, skipped if null/empty).
# Timestamps for status changes (ISO 8601 date and time), set ChangeLog to null if no changes.
#   ChangeLog.DNS:       Timestamp for DNS (skipped if null/empty, ie, if Started OK).
#   ChangeLog.LateStart: Timestamp for Late start (ie, DNS => Late start, skipped if null/empty).
#   ChangeLog.NewCard:   Timestamp for entering new card number (skipped if no card change).
#   ChangeLog.Comment:   Timestamp for last edit of comment (skipped if no comment).
#   ChangeLog.NewRunner: Timestamp for manually added runner (skipped if not manually added).
# Report meta data
#   EndOfData:
#     NumRunners:        Number of runners included in this report.
#     NumLines:          Total number of lines, including this last line.

Version: 1.5
Creator: "O Checklist v4.1.0"
Created: 2024-10-12T12:45:04+02:00
Event:   "3. kolo ZHL Pardubičky"

  # Started OK, no changes.
  - Runner:
      StartStatus: Started OK
      Id:          "PRA1234"
      Name:        "Jana Nováková"
      Org:         "Praha"
      Card:        123456
      StartTime:   2024-10-12T12:31:00+02:00
      ClassName:   "D21"
    ChangeLog:     null

  # DNS.
  - Runner:
      StartStatus: DNS
      Id:          "BRN2345"
      Name:        "Marie Svobodová"
      Org:         "Brno"
      Card:        234567
      StartTime:   2024-10-12T12:33:00+02:00
      ClassName:   "D35"
      DNS:         2024-10-12T12:34:56+02:00

  # Late start.
  - Runner:
      StartStatus: Late start
      Id:          "OST3456"
      Name:        "Eva Novotná"
      Org:         "Ostrava"
      Card:        345678
      StartTime:   2024-10-12T12:30:00+02:00
      ClassName:   "D16"
      LateStart:   2024-10-12T12:37:02+02:00
      DNS:         2024-10-12T12:31:22+02:00

  # Card change.
  - Runner:
      NewCard:     987654
      StartStatus: Started OK
      Id:          "PLZ4567"
      Name:        "Jiří Dvořák"
      Org:         "Plzeň"
      Card:        456789
      StartTime:   2024-10-12T12:37:00+02:00
      ClassName:   "H65"
      NewCard:     2024-10-12T12:35:34+02:00

  # Card change, Late start, and, Comment.
  - Runner:
      NewCard:     98765
      StartStatus: Late start
      Id:          "LIB5678"
      Name:        "Jan Černý"
      Org:         "Liberec"
      Card:        567890
      StartTime:   2024-10-12T12:37:00+02:00
      ClassName:   "H21"
      Comment:     "Sorry that I'm late with the wrong card."
      NewCard:     2024-10-12T12:40:08+02:00
      LateStart:   2024-10-12T12:40:20+02:00
      DNS:         2024-10-12T12:38:51+02:00
      Comment:     2024-10-12T12:40:08+02:00

  # Runner without IOF xml person id and without start date, eg, from CSV import.
  - Runner:
      StartStatus: DNS
      Id:          null
      Name:        "Lukas Kettner"
      Org:         "OK Kamenice"
      Card:        885632
      StartTime:   12:28:00
      ClassName:   "H21"
      DNS:         2024-10-12T12:39:46+02:00
  # Runner without card number and free start time.
  - Runner:
      NewCard:     887640
      StartStatus: Started OK
      Id:          "SHK0001"
      Name:        "Karolína Kettner"
      Org:         "OK Slavia Hradec Králové"
      Card:        null
      StartTime:   null
      ClassName:   "D21"
      NewCard:     2024-10-12T12:41:06+02:00

  # New runner.
  - Runner:
      StartStatus: Started OK
      Id:          null
      Bib:         null
      Name:        "Alexandr Urban"
      Org:         "Jirkov"
      Card:        314159
      StartTime:   null
      ClassName:   "H10"
      NewRunner:   2024-10-12T12:43:14+02:00

# Note: YAML document generated by app has no comments and no blank lines, ie, IRL 96 lines.
  Runners:         8
  Lines:           96