The start status of the runners can be transferred from the app to an event admin system for further processing. The report is encoded in the YAML data language.
# Start status report
# Report meta data
# Version: YAML document version.
# Creator: App name (with quotes).
# Created: Report creation timestamp (ISO 8601 date and time).
# Event: IOF xml event name (with quotes), or, null (eg, if CSV import).
# Runner's data
# Runner.Id: IOF xml person id (with quotes), or, null (eg, if CSV import).
# Runner.Bib: Bib number (with quotes), or, null.
# Runner.Name: Name of runner (with quotes).
# Runner.Org: Organisation that the runner represents (with quotes).
# Runner.Card: Card number, or, null (eg, mechanical punching, runner without card).
# Runner.StartTime: Start time, one of: ISO 8601 date and time, or,
# time only (if no date, eg CSV import), or, null (eg, free start time).
# Runner.ClassName: Class in which the runner participates (with quotes).
# Status of runner
# Runner.StartStatus: "Started OK", "DNS", or, "Late start" (without quotes).
# Runner.NewCard: New/changed card number (skipped if null/empty).
# Runner.Comment: Free text (with quotes, skipped if null/empty).
# Timestamps for status changes (ISO 8601 date and time), set ChangeLog to null if no changes.
# ChangeLog.DNS: Timestamp for DNS (skipped if null/empty, ie, if Started OK).
# ChangeLog.LateStart: Timestamp for Late start (ie, DNS => Late start, skipped if null/empty).
# ChangeLog.NewCard: Timestamp for entering new card number (skipped if no card change).
# ChangeLog.Comment: Timestamp for last edit of comment (skipped if no comment).
# ChangeLog.NewRunner: Timestamp for manually added runner (skipped if not manually added).
# Report meta data
# EndOfData:
# NumRunners: Number of runners included in this report.
# NumLines: Total number of lines, including this last line.
Version: 1.5
Creator: "O Checklist v4.1.0"
Created: 2024-10-12T12:45:04+02:00
Event: "3. kolo ZHL Pardubičky"
# Started OK, no changes.
- Runner:
StartStatus: Started OK
Id: "PRA1234"
Name: "Jana Nováková"
Org: "Praha"
Card: 123456
StartTime: 2024-10-12T12:31:00+02:00
ClassName: "D21"
ChangeLog: null
# DNS.
- Runner:
StartStatus: DNS
Id: "BRN2345"
Name: "Marie Svobodová"
Org: "Brno"
Card: 234567
StartTime: 2024-10-12T12:33:00+02:00
ClassName: "D35"
DNS: 2024-10-12T12:34:56+02:00
# Late start.
- Runner:
StartStatus: Late start
Id: "OST3456"
Name: "Eva Novotná"
Org: "Ostrava"
Card: 345678
StartTime: 2024-10-12T12:30:00+02:00
ClassName: "D16"
LateStart: 2024-10-12T12:37:02+02:00
DNS: 2024-10-12T12:31:22+02:00
# Card change.
- Runner:
NewCard: 987654
StartStatus: Started OK
Id: "PLZ4567"
Name: "Jiří Dvořák"
Org: "Plzeň"
Card: 456789
StartTime: 2024-10-12T12:37:00+02:00
ClassName: "H65"
NewCard: 2024-10-12T12:35:34+02:00
# Card change, Late start, and, Comment.
- Runner:
NewCard: 98765
StartStatus: Late start
Id: "LIB5678"
Name: "Jan Černý"
Org: "Liberec"
Card: 567890
StartTime: 2024-10-12T12:37:00+02:00
ClassName: "H21"
Comment: "Sorry that I'm late with the wrong card."
NewCard: 2024-10-12T12:40:08+02:00
LateStart: 2024-10-12T12:40:20+02:00
DNS: 2024-10-12T12:38:51+02:00
Comment: 2024-10-12T12:40:08+02:00
# Runner without IOF xml person id and without start date, eg, from CSV import.
- Runner:
StartStatus: DNS
Id: null
Name: "Lukas Kettner"
Org: "OK Kamenice"
Card: 885632
StartTime: 12:28:00
ClassName: "H21"
DNS: 2024-10-12T12:39:46+02:00
# Runner without card number and free start time.
- Runner:
NewCard: 887640
StartStatus: Started OK
Id: "SHK0001"
Name: "Karolína Kettner"
Org: "OK Slavia Hradec Králové"
Card: null
StartTime: null
ClassName: "D21"
NewCard: 2024-10-12T12:41:06+02:00
# New runner.
- Runner:
StartStatus: Started OK
Id: null
Bib: null
Name: "Alexandr Urban"
Org: "Jirkov"
Card: 314159
StartTime: null
ClassName: "H10"
NewRunner: 2024-10-12T12:43:14+02:00
# Note: YAML document generated by app has no comments and no blank lines, ie, IRL 96 lines.
Runners: 8
Lines: 96