
// Start Clock and O Checklist: Import of CSV file (comma-separated values).

// Layout:
// The CSV file contains one participant per line. Each line must have the following fields, 
// separated by commas, in the following order:
// Name*, Organisation*, Class*, BibNumber, StartTime*, ControlCardNumber, StartName
// * = mandatory field, other fields can be empty (but keep the commas).

// CSV Web Tool is a web based tool which can produce CSV files,
// The keyword @colDefs: (in the headline below) tells CSV Web Tool to use these
// field names instead of the standard column headers. This is internal to
// CSV Web Tool, but practical if you prefer another language or use another terminology.

// Formatting:
// - StartTime format is hh:mm:ss, for example, 09:10:00 or 13:14:30
// - If a field contains a comma, the field must be quoted: abc, def => "abc, def"
// - Participants/classes can be in any order in the file.
// - A comment line starts with // and is ignored.
// - Blank lines are ignored.

// File considerations:
// - Filename must end with extension .csv (lower case).
// - File should be in UTF-8 format (best for åäöæøüáóñéèù…). 

// Frequently Asked Question:
// Q: Must there be a headline in the CSV file?
// A: No, the headline is for convenience only.
//    If there is a headline in the CSV file, make sure that it is a comment line. 
//    Otherwise, the app will try to import the headline, which will be reported as 
//    an error in the time format.

// Example CSV file (with customised CSV Web Tool column headers):
// @colDefs: Nom*, Club*, Catégorie*, Dossard, Heure*, Puce, Départ
Jade Martin,    Saint Étienne,   Femmes,    1,            10:00:00,       314159,
Louise Bernard, Havre,           Femmes,    2,            10:02:00,       271828,
Emma Thomas,    Toulon,          Femmes,    3,            10:04:00,       662607,
Alice Petit,    Grenoble,        Femmes,    4,            10:06:00,       138065,
Ambre Robert,   Dijon,           Femmes,    5,            10:08:00,       964853,

Léo Richard,    Angers,          Hommes,  101,            10:01:00,       910938,
Gabriel Durand, Nîmes,           Hommes,  102,            10:03:00,       167262,
Raphaël Dubois, Villeurbanne,    Hommes,  103,            10:05:00,       160218,
Arthur Moreau,  Saint Denis,     Hommes,  104,            10:07:00,       109737,
Louis Laurent,  Aix en Provence, Hommes,  105,            10:09:00,       567038,

Lina Simon,     Mans,            Enfants,    ,            10:01:00,             ,
Jules Leroy,    Annecy,          Enfants,    ,            10:02:00,             ,
Rose Michel,    Brest,           Enfants,    ,            10:03:00,             ,
Adam Roux,      Tours,           Enfants,    ,            10:04:00,             ,
Chloé Lefebvre, Amiens,          Enfants,    ,            10:05:00,             ,
Maël David,     Limoges,         Enfants,    ,            10:06:00,             ,