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Start Clock is used to start contestants in a race (eg, orienteering, skiing, stair climb, rally, RC cars). Supports interval start as well as chasing start (pursuit). Works on phones and tablets of various sizes. Configurable with many different user settings.
O Checklist is a digital tick off utility for orienteering competitions. It records runner's status as Started or DNS, and, registers changed card numbers. Supports SPORTident station for automated tick off. Status is reported digitally (email, POST, FTP).
GNSS Viewer (Global Navigation Satellite System) displays current GNSS information as reported by the built-in GNSS unit of your phone or tablet. It shows lat/long (or, UTM, SWEREF 99), alt, speed, course; calculates travelled distance; logs positions; and, plots your track on a map.
En svensk kalender i form av tre s.k. widgetar: Månadskalender, Dagskalender och Veckonummer. Kalendrarna visar svenska helgdagar, svenska namnsdagar och veckonummer enligt svensk standard. Bakgrundsfärg, textstorlek och datumformat väljs av användaren.
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
Rally stage start image copyright tele52.
RC car image copyright simplyamazing.
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